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Newsbin 5.5x Tutorials


Shows you how to use the NewsBin Installer in a first time installation.


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Running NewsBin for the First Time

Demonstrates some basic features and shows how to download some picture files.

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First Time Run

Adding a News Server

If you want to add an additional news server, or change your original news server, this tutorial shows you how.

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Add Server

Entering your Registration Key

Demonstrates how to enter your registration key to turn the trial version into the registered version.

You can purchase a key here.

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Changing from Two Pane to Three Pane View

If you are used to how Version 4 looked, this is how you change the default 2 pane view of Version 5 to use the 3 pane view like Version 4.

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Two Panes to Three Panes
Astraweb recommended Newsbin Pro. Tried it and it was able to download complete files my other newsreader could only download partials of. Newsbin Pro also combined my rar files that I used to have to combine manually. Paid $30 for the other newsreader and it doesn't come with lifetime upgrades either. K.T., Port Orange, FL - August 19, 2017