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Newsbin Pro Usenet Search Service

Newsbin has an integrated search facility that allows you to search all the popular binaries newsgroups over the Internet. The index covers the full retention of the longest retention news servers, over 3500 days worth. You can also apply Newsbin's built in spam filtering to hide garbage posts often found on Usenet these days.

Product Duration Searches Price
Unlimited Search with Auto-Renew Three Months Unlimited Searches $15.00 USD ($5/month)
Unlimited Search with Auto-Renew One Year Unlimited Searches $60.00 USD ($5/month)
Standard Search with Auto-Renew Six Months 500 per month $15.00 USD ($2.50/month)
Standard Search, no Auto-Renew One Year 500 per month $30.00 USD ($2.50/month)
isearch thumbnail

If you already have a key to Newsbin, log into the Newsbin Control Panel and select the Search product you want under "Add/Renew Product or Subscription". Once payment is accepted Internet Search will work as long as Newsbin is registered with the same key reflected in your Control Panel screen. You don't have to change anything else with your Newsbin configuration.

If you do not have a key to Newsbin, you can purchase a key and one year of Internet Search for the special bundle price of $30.

Internet Search is only available for versions of Newsbin after 6.60 as an optional service. The Local Search function which searches previously downloaded headers still exists in Newsbin. You can switch to it by changing from "Internet" to "Local" in the Search tab.

Feel free to send comments or suggestions to us through our Newsbin Technical Support Form.

Internet Search Help

Best news reader available! J.B., Loganville, GA - July 17, 2017