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Free Newsbin Pro with Usenet Search

Access to Usenet is required in order to use Newsbin so we have partnered with our friends at Usenet Storm to provide Newsbin with Unlimited Usenet Search* free with a paid subscription to their Usenet service. That is a $20 savings up front and $60 per year savings if you use the Search feature.

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Sign Up with Usenet Storm
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Taking advantage of this offer is easy. First sign up with Usenet Storm, then download this pre-configured version of Newsbin and run the installer after you receive your Usenet Storm account login information.

*Free Newsbin including Usenet Search for as long as your Usenet Storm account is active.

Astraweb recommended Newsbin Pro. Tried it and it was able to download complete files my other newsreader could only download partials of. Newsbin Pro also combined my rar files that I used to have to combine manually. Paid $30 for the other newsreader and it doesn't come with lifetime upgrades either. K.T., Port Orange, FL - August 19, 2017