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Previous Versions

Disclaimer: These prior versions are provided on request from users who prefer a specific version over the official production release. We do not officially support these older versions and will not fix any bugs found in these versions as development is only performed on the latest version available. We may provide limited technical support for these older versions depending on the nature of the issue. The Internet Search Function only works in Version 5.42 or higher. It works best in version 5.56 or higher. Not all versions are listed.


  1. The code signing certificate used for some of these old releases have expired. You will receive an "Unknown Publisher" warning when you launch the installer.
  2. Any version prior to 6.56 may have issues with SSL connections if the server only support TLS. If you are getting connection errors only when SSL is enabled, you'll need to upgrade to version 6.56 or higher.
  3. If upgrading to 6.60+ from 6.56 or older, you should clear your download list, failed files list, and wish list as those will be lost moving to 6.60.

Version 6.90 32 and 64 bit (Released March 4, 2022)
Version 6.82 32 and 64 bit (Released December 29, 2019)
Version 6.81 32 and 64 bit (Released September 17, 2019)
Version 6.80 32 and 64 bit (Released May 7, 2018)
Version 6.73 32 and 64 bit (Released April 4, 2017)
Version 6.72 32 and 64 bit (Released August 19, 2016)
Version 6.71 32 and 64 bit (Released July 25, 2016)
Version 6.70 32 and 64 bit (Released April 28, 2016)
Version 6.62 32 and 64 bit (Released November 18, 2015)
Version 6.61 32 and 64 bit (Released October 5, 2015)
Version 6.60 32 and 64 bit (Released July 13, 2015)

As of May 17, 2017, versions prior to 6.60 cannot be registered from within Newsbin. If you have a need to run older versions, you need to first install and register a version of Newsbin that is 6.60 or newer, then run the installer for the older version. Your registration will be retained. This does not apply to Version 4.x, that ship has sailed.

Version 6.56 32 and 64 bit (Released March 8, 2015)
Version 6.55 32 and 64 bit (Released December 18, 2014)
Version 6.54 32 and 64 bit (Released November 7, 2014)
Version 6.53 32 and 64 bit (Released August 15, 2014)
Version 6.52 32 and 64 bit (Released July 18, 2014)
Version 6.51 32 and 64 bit (Released March 20, 2014)
Version 6.50 32 and 64 bit (Released December 5, 2013)
Version 6.42 32 and 64 bit (Released February 4, 2013)
Version 6.41 32 and 64 bit (Released December 23, 2012)
Version 6.40 32 and 64 bit (Released October 1, 2012)
Version 6.34 32 and 64 bit (Released June 18, 2012)
Version 6.33 32 and 64 bit (Released May 31, 2012)
Version 6.32 32 and 64 bit (Released May 7, 2012)
Version 6.31 32 and 64 bit (Released April 15, 2012)
Version 6.30 32 and 64 bit (Released February 28, 2012)
Version 6.21 32 and 64 bit (Released December 14, 2011)
Version 6.20 32 and 64 bit (Released December 1, 2011)
Version 6.11 32 and 64 bit (Released October 7, 2011)
Version 6.10 32 and 64 bit (Released September 26, 2011)
Version 6.00 32 and 64 bit (Released July 4, 2011)
Version 5.59 32 and 64 bit (Released December 1, 2010)
Version 5.58 32 and 64 bit (Released September 29, 2010)
Version 5.57 32 and 64 bit (Released July 28, 2010)
Version 5.56 32 and 64 bit (Released July 10, 2010)
Version 5.55 32 and 64 bit (Released March 11, 2010)
Version 5.54 32 bit (Released October 10, 2009)
Version 5.54 64 bit (Released May 19, 2009)
Version 5.42 32 bit (5.42 is oldest version that supported Internet Search Function)
Version 5.42 64 bit (Released May 27, 2008)
Version 5.35 32 bit (Released June 12, 2007)
Version 5.35 64 bit
Version 5.20 32 bit (Last version to support upgrade of duplicate detection database from V4.32)
Version 4.32 (32 bit only, no Internet Search Function. Cannot be registered (trial mode only). Released July 19, 2005)

One bug in all these years? That's pretty amazing and a testament to the great work you're doing. I wish more small software companies were as competent. :D M.Y., Grand Rapids, MI - July 10, 2017